Monday, October 27, 2014

Explaining Adoption to Your Child

Explaining to a child that they are adopted may be a bit of a challenge. It is best that you tell a child at a younger age. Avoid the child being told by another family member. Stay calm if your child becomes angry, it is an expected reaction. Your child may also may become very calm and react to the situation later.  Make sure you give your child your full attention when explaining to them about their adoption. There should be neither phones calls nor interruptions.  Tell the truth and remember that they are a young child and you must be sensitive to their feelings. Avoid saying negative things about their biological family. As an adoptive parent, make sure you have answers to some of the questions that you think your child may ask. Explain to them that being adopted does not mean they are loved any less than a child who is with their birth parents. Let them know how excited you were when they came to live with you. Let them know how special they are to you and the family. Be patient if your child wants to talk about their adoption again and again and give them lots of reassurance.

