Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Follow me on Twitter!

I've just posted on my Blog about: Follow me on Twitter! http://t.co/GvHXplyPi9 Source:

November 25, 2014 at 03:32PM


Follow me on Twitter!

I've just posted on my Blog about: Follow me on Twitter! http://t.co/9RHRASHkXA Source:

November 25, 2014 at 02:52PM


Follow me on Twitter!

I've just posted on my Blog about: Follow me on Twitter! http://t.co/e2NJvExKgp Source:

November 25, 2014 at 01:45PM


Follow me on Twitter!

I've just posted on my Blog about: Follow me on Twitter! http://t.co/8gTkkitKNS Source:

November 25, 2014 at 11:32AM


Follow me on Twitter!

I've just posted on my Blog about: Follow me on Twitter! http://t.co/A1C0o2Zt4d Source:

November 25, 2014 at 10:29AM


Follow me on Twitter!

http://t.co/IKbGchYPa4 Source:

November 25, 2014 at 09:45AM


Follow me on Twitter!

Finally had a chance to hang out with Jonathan!!#friends #allnighter #nosleep http://t.co/W8eAKsa5Gm Source:

November 25, 2014 at 07:51AM


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lighten-Up, There are Funny Times

Growing up, I had many funny questions asked about me. My parents did as well and they even had to ask many questions. One day, I was  with my mother at Rite-Aid in Mount Union. Mount Union is twenty minutes from where I grew up and is  more diverse community. There were a lot more African Americans in this community and it’s a little town where everyone knows each other.  A black man was standing in front of us in line and said, "You are a cute little girl who is your mom?" I then pointed to my Caucasian mother and he said, “Well, who is your dad?" He looked extremely concerned. It’s not like the man to not  know about all of the Africans in this town of Mount Union.  My mother went into "information mode" and needed to tell the man my life adoption story. I was embarrassed but amused at the same time. Many people that have adopted have many funny stories similar to mine. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Speechless Adoption Story

There are many things that adoptive parents may go through when it comes to  the adoption process. This article talks about a mother's eagerness for grandchildren and the struggle of infertility. This story gets the whole family's emotions involved in the process but the outcome is so unexpected. Check it out!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

 This is so cute. This is the cutest video and it also shows how excited the adoptive parents are with their video that shows them meeting their little girl. She is so happy and will live a great life with her new parents.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Explaining Adoption to Your Child

Explaining to a child that they are adopted may be a bit of a challenge. It is best that you tell a child at a younger age. Avoid the child being told by another family member. Stay calm if your child becomes angry, it is an expected reaction. Your child may also may become very calm and react to the situation later.  Make sure you give your child your full attention when explaining to them about their adoption. There should be neither phones calls nor interruptions.  Tell the truth and remember that they are a young child and you must be sensitive to their feelings. Avoid saying negative things about their biological family. As an adoptive parent, make sure you have answers to some of the questions that you think your child may ask. Explain to them that being adopted does not mean they are loved any less than a child who is with their birth parents. Let them know how excited you were when they came to live with you. Let them know how special they are to you and the family. Be patient if your child wants to talk about their adoption again and again and give them lots of reassurance.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why is Adoption Better than Abortion?

 Some people do not view a fetus as life,but it is.  If the fetus were allowed to live, it would develop into a human life. Abortion prevents this from happening. Adoption allows a couple who wants to love a child and raise him or her have this chance to live and be loved. Loving is a beautiful thing that everyone must get a chance to do. It also allows the fetus to grow into a human life.I feel that there is no need for unwanted children. I am completely against it. I don’t think that is fair for the child or the emotions that the mother has to deal with after the process.


Monday, October 13, 2014

10 Reasons You Would Make a Terrible Foster Parent

So, I remember talking to someone about me being a foster kid. Later, she asked me how much  foster parents get paid. I was 19 at the time and was unsure of how much you "got paid". She then tells me that she thinks that she could use the extra money. Is it that profitable? The money that you get paid is mainly for the child's expenses. If you want to make a career out of being a foster parent, your views are wrong. I have seen situations where "foster parents" are driving around incredibly nice cars and the foster kids that they have look like they just jumped out of a dumpster. Give foster kids the life that THEY need. These are 10 reasons you would make a terrible foster parent. I was a foster child before I finally got adopted. It was a long process and it leaves a strong effect on some children. Give them the care that you claim you can provide. They have already been abandoned; they do not need the help from their foster parent as well.

Julia and Me

A mother adopted a little  girl ,from Russia named Julia, that suffered from Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) . This is a condition found in children who received negligent care and do not form a healthy emotional attachment with their primary care givers. Julia's mother talks about the emotional pain that she went through working with her daughter. The concern and love that she showed to help her daughter through her pain is so powerful. There is also a book about her  journey called " Rescuing Julia Twice". 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Domestic Vs. International

Domestic and International adoption are two different kinds of concepts. There are many questions that need to be answered when you are planning on that decision. There are easy and difficult things to each. this website listed below shows you information on cost, wait times, children available, medical backgrounds and legal concerns.

This is a picture of one of my good friends who  was adopted. This is his mother now. She is wonderful in every way. He is adopted from India. His adoptive family learned and informs others about his Indian culture. It is very important as an adoptive parent to learn about a child's background and culture. It shows that you care and understand where they have come from.  

Black Kids in White Houses

Many white families in America adopted African American child. I was adopted by a white family so I wanted to see what types of things are said about whites adopting black children. Some of the things said in this article shocked me. I believe that there are many different types of stories. Some that are horrible and others that have a happy ending. My story just happened to be a happy ending. I have great friends and a crazy big family. This article makes me value being adopted more than others in the same situation as me, I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

International Adoption

Did you ever think about  adopting a child from a different country? Where are some the  countries that I could adopt from? I found this website very informational for parents/a parent that would  be interested in an international adoption.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Adoption isn't that bad. This picture was so funny that I couldn't resist. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Celebrities Who were Adopted

 This is an article about celebrities that were adopted  I was not aware that some of these celebrities were even adopted! It's pretty cool, check it out.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mothers who adopt, all we can say is thank you..

Why Adopt?

You usually adopt because you want to have a child, although there is a lot more to adopting than just that. Some people choose to adopt because they can't have biological children due to medical problems. They have tried for years and even tried  various fertility treatments, without any success. There are others that just want to adopt from another country to create a diverse or larger family. A lot of families have adopted and biological children as a family. Adoption isn’t for everyone and there is nothing wrong with that. When you adopt, you need to make sure you are tremendously sure about your decision.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What is Real/False about Adoption?

Throughout the years, we have heard many good things about adoption. The fulfillment that a family gets from adopting a child that doesn't have anywhere to go is truly life changing. Can you love a child that isn't biologically yours? The answer is yes. Can children be difficult? Of course, all children can be at some point. Unfortunately, some can be more than others.   Can you afford it? Do people do it for the money? Here is a website that can help you with some of the myths and realities of adoption.  http://fosteringourkids.org/myths-and-realities/#toggle-id

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Adoption is becoming more common throughout the years. There are many good reasons to adopt a child. I know this from my own personal experience, because I am adopted. It's made me value life more and be thankful about all of my surroundings.  This has taught me a lot about diversity and the love that parents/parent could give to a child that another could not. On the other hand, I also think that it could be a strong subject that people don't understand. Why would I want a child that isn't mine? Who would give up their own child? Does it always benefit the child when people adopt? What type of process would I go through to adopt? These are just a few of the many things that people that may want to adopt that may want to consider.
